Your Credit Score Could Make Or Break Your Relationship

Your Credit Score Could Make Or Break Your Relationship

You can tell a lot about someone by their credit score number. A high credit score might express that you’re responsible, driven to achieve your goals, and committed. A poor credit score might say that you’re flighty, noncommittal, and unconcerned about your future. These personality traits can have a major impact on your career, housing options, and financial stability. But did you know that it might also affect your romantic relationships?

Almost two out of five people say that someone’s credit score might affect their interest in dating that person, according to a recent survey by This means that a poor credit score might hurt your chances of having a successful romantic relationship.

But why do people put so much stock into someone’s credit score when it comes to romantic relationships? What does a credit score have anything to do with romance and relationships?


A study performed by the Federal Reserve Board found out that people with higher credit scores are more likely to commit to a relationship and stay committed. And commitment is highly important in a long-term relationship. It’s nearly impossible to create an enduring relationship if one or both partners involved aren’t committed to making that relationship last.

A poor credit score might imply that if someone isn’t committed to achieving their financial goals, they might not be committed to achieving their romantic goals as well.


Your credit score might also show how trustworthy you are in a relationship. “Under our conjecture that credit scores reveal general trustworthiness, our results support the significance of trustworthiness in partners’ ability to form and maintain committed relationships,” according to the study by the Federal Reserve Board.

The study goes on to state that differentials in credit scores may reflect mismatch in couple’s trustworthiness. In most romantic relationships, if there isn’t trust, it won’t last. You need to be able to trust that your partner will be committed to you and put your needs first in the relationship.

Relationship Satisfaction

Almost a third of adults with partners (31 percent) reported that money is a major source of conflict in their relationship, according to the 2014 APA Stress in America survey. And a survey conducted by Kansas State University states that arguments about money is by far the top predictor of divorce. The same study found that it takes longer to recover from money arguments than any other kind of argument.

A credit score can show how financially responsible someone is and might be a strong indicator on how long a happy relationship will last. If a couple is on the same page, when financial problems arise, they can work together to fix them and will grow stronger together because of it. If a couple has opposing views on money management, they may not be able to come to an agreement and their relationship could suffer immensely. If you lose trust in your partner’s financial decisions, you will likely lose trust in other aspects of your relationship as well.

Romantic relationships can be fun and exciting. A romantic partner can help you become a better person, enjoy new adventures, and open a door to new possibilities. Don’t let financial disagreements ruin what could be an everlasting love. Work together to be on the same page, improve your credit score, and build a strong, healthy relationship.


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